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Tag: app-en

Breast reduction surgery and breastfeeding: 16 ideas to achieve it

Breast reduction surgery and breastfeeding: 16 ideas to achieve it

Women who have had a breast reduction surgery may have difficulties establishing breastfeeding. In this blog post, we will give some ideas on how to achieve breastfeeding if this is your case. How does a breast reduction surgery affect breast function? Breast reductions are complex surgeries for the mammary gland because apart from eliminating fat, breast tissue is also removed, and the ducts are cut. The incisions made in the areola cause the division of the mammary nerves that are…

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The 4-month sleep “regression”

The 4-month sleep “regression”

What is the 4-month sleep regression? Is there such a thing as a 4-month breastfeeding crisis? Throughout the breastfeeding journey, there are many moments of change. In fact, the baby’s entire first year brings many changes. When babies are born, their brain still needs to learn a great lot of things, as they are biologically very immature. They need to learn so many things, such as talking, sitting, walking… and one of the big things they have to learn is…

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I have stopped breastfeeding, but green liquid comes out of my nipples – mammary duct ectasia

I have stopped breastfeeding, but green liquid comes out of my nipples – mammary duct ectasia

“Hi, I am writing to you because today I got terrified. It’s been two years since I stopped breastfeeding my son, and today, I squeezed my nipple to teach a friend how to hand-express breast milk. But then I was shocked to see some dark green liquid coming out of my nipple. What should I do? I don’t even know where to ask for help…” What happens when green liquid comes out of my nipples, and I have stopped breastfeeding?…

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Breastfeeding as birth control (LAM)

Breastfeeding as birth control (LAM)

Can breastfeeding be used as a method of contraception? What is breastfeeding as birth control, also called the LAM method? LAM stands for Lactational Amenorrhea Method. LAM is a contraceptive method that relies on the natural infertility that occurs when breastfeeding. This happens because the baby’s suckling manages to suppress the production of the hormones required to ovulate. Therefore, a breastfeeding mother can experience several months without ovulating (this is called amenorrhea). How does this work? To use LAM safely…

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How to choose a baby bottle

How to choose a baby bottle

There are a large number of brands on the market that produce baby bottles and teats* to give formula or expressed breast milk. But how to choose a baby bottle? It can be complex to know which baby bottles and teats are right for each case, as there are so many of them and with so many different characteristics to make it even more complicated. But first, we want to make clear that absolutely no brand has paid us to…

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Galactocele: what is it, and how can it affect breastfeeding?

Galactocele: what is it, and how can it affect breastfeeding?

Today, we talk about a common benign condition in breastfeeding: the galactocele. Here is what it is and how it affects breastfeeding. It’s a harmless process that can occur during breastfeeding and that appears as a lump or cyst in the breast. What is a galactocele, and why does it appear? A galactocele is the accumulation of breastmilk fat material outside the mammary ducts. It happens when a small cyst forms and stays inside the mammary gland because it has…

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10 tips on how to stop breastfeeding an over 1 year old

10 tips on how to stop breastfeeding an over 1 year old

Weaning your baby from the breast and stop breastfeeding after one year is possible. If you’ve made it to one year of breastfeeding or beyond, first of all, congratulations! Usually, it’s not at all easy to get to this point. It’s also likely that you’ve gone almost 365 days without good sleep and are exhausted by your baby’s demands. So, if you are considering weaning or want to start now, this post is for you. When you ask yourself the…

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Do I need to hold my breast when breastfeeding?

Do I need to hold my breast when breastfeeding?

“Should I hold my breast when breastfeeding?” One of the most common worries of new mothers is that their baby will latch on too closely to the breast and not be able to breathe anymore. This is why some people tell mothers to hold their breast with their fingers, to keep the baby’s nose free. But do I need to hold my breast when breastfeeding? No, it’s not necessary. You might have seen this somewhere such as in antique paintings…

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Stages of a breast abscess

Stages of a breast abscess

A breast abscess is the most serious complication a mother can experience during lactation. An abscess is usually produced by a poor resolution of mastitis, which is why it is very important to effectively treat mastitis or any sign of infection in the breast. A breast abscess develops over time, so sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether the lump a mother notices in her breast is an abscess or not. In this article, we have divided the possible evolution…

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What is postpartum depression and what are the symptoms?

What is postpartum depression and what are the symptoms?

Postpartum depression is one of the most common maternity disorders. However, the fact that it appears after having a baby when the baby takes center stage makes it often invisible. In some areas of the world, the 13th of January marks the World Day Against Depression, so we wanted to highlight this topic. What is postpartum depression? Postpartum depression is a type of depression that can appear after childbirth and up to a year later, though according to some experts,…

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