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Do I need to keep my baby awake at the breast?

Do I need to keep my baby awake at the breast?

“I put her to the breast, she is awake and eager to feed. She starts to suckle, but after two minutes or so she falls asleep. And no matter what I do, she stays asleep. What can I do to stop her from falling asleep at the breast?” All babies, up to about three months of age, seem to “fall asleep” within a few minutes of starting to nurse at the breast. This surprises most new mothers, and in addition,…

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When postpartum bleeding returns – the parting bleeding

When postpartum bleeding returns – the parting bleeding

During pregnancy, we tend to prepare a lot for the birth, its process, and the baby’s first days, but how will the first postpartum days be for the mother and what about the postpartum bleeding? Today, we talk about the bleeding that we can expect in the postpartum period and how to know if it is normal for new bleeding to appear during the first six weeks after birth. Lochia, the first vaginal bleeding after childbirth Let’s go by step;…

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Is it normal for a baby to always sleep with an open mouth?

Is it normal for a baby to always sleep with an open mouth?

We are often asked about baby sleep and whether it is normal for them to always sleep with an open mouth. Maybe you wonder what to do or who to see about this. Is it normal if my baby always sleeps with her mouth open? When babies sleep, physiologically, their mouth should be closed, and the tongue should be up in the palate area. Therefore, sleeping with the mouth open is not what we should see on a regular basis,…

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My baby makes clicking noises when breastfeeding

My baby makes clicking noises when breastfeeding

When a baby makes clicking noises while breastfeeding, it sounds a bit like a “click-click” sound produced by the baby’s tongue while suckling. Sometimes, the clicking is so obvious that it is quite loud, and mothers become concerned. In this article, we will look at the possible causes of clicking, when it may be best to take action, or when you should be patient and just wait for it to pass. Why does it happen, and what can be done…

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My baby seems to choke when breastfeeding

My baby seems to choke when breastfeeding

Some mothers have had a scare when their baby seems to choke when breastfeeding for a few seconds, in the middle of a feed at the breast. The reasons why a baby chokes while breastfeeding can vary. Let’s take a look at the most common causes: Hyperactive milk ejection reflex Some mothers have a powerful milk ejection (or milk let-down) reflex. Their breastmilk sprays out with a lot of force. This is usually not a problem for older babies, who…

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Breastfed baby poop: the color palette

Breastfed baby poop: the color palette

Families are often worried about their baby’s poop when they have a newborn: about appearance, smell, texture and amount of poop. When first getting into the wonderful world of baby poop, we realize that there is a huge palette of possible colors that makes you doubt each change of color, so here we explain one by one each of the possibilities with this color “palette” of poop. It may seem unbelievable, but from the first week after birth, baby poop…

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Mother-led weaning (from 18 months onwards)

Mother-led weaning (from 18 months onwards)

What happens when a mother decides it’s time to stop breastfeeding? What difficulties can she face? How does the baby’s age impact this? In this article, we discuss mother-led weaning of children aged 18 months and older. How does it all begin? “I have a 26-month-old child and I can’t anymore. I feel bad, but I have to do it. I don’t want to continue. I don’t feel like breastfeeding anymore. I’m tired of her asking me non-stop and the…

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5 tricks to get rid of nipple shields

5 tricks to get rid of nipple shields

When starting out with breastfeeding, mothers are often advised to use nipple shields. Maybe the baby does not seem to be able to latch on well, the mother is in pain, or someone simply considers that the mother’s nipple might “not be good enough” for breastfeeding. There may come a time when you get tired of them and you wan’t to get rid of nipple shields, because they are not practical: you have to make sure they stay in place,…

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International Women’s Day in Breastfeeding Care

International Women’s Day in Breastfeeding Care

When it comes to breastfeeding, much has been written and said about the benefits of breastfeeding for the health of mothers and babies, and they are repeated over and over again. However, there is a glaring lack of research on pain care during breastfeeding, difficulties with low milk supply, how to accompany weaning, or how to care for breastfeeding when it is not satisfying, among others. We know that the field of scientific knowledge about women’s health is limited. Often,…

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Nipple ischemia: three possible causes

Nipple ischemia: three possible causes

“It all begins at the end of the feed. My nipple turns white and starts hurting. It hurts a lot and I don’t know what it is. Then, when I am in the shower or go outside and it is cold, the pain comes back again. What can it be?“ What this mother is describing is called nipple ischemia, which is a lack of blood supply that can cause a lot of pain. Ischemia can occur for many different reasons,…

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