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10 things you should never say to a breastfeeding mother

10 things you should never say to a breastfeeding mother

Let’s help all those relatives, friends, neighbors, and complete strangers who come across breastfeeding mothers in their lives. It turns out that when they come face to face with a mother, they don’t know what to say and end up saying any nonsense that, in the best of cases, can end up with the mother’s eyes rolling. Here is what you should NEVER say to a breastfeeding mother: 1. “You’re not doing it right.” Here, we include phrases such as…

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Is your baby a late-preterm? Then this information is for you

Is your baby a late-preterm? Then this information is for you

Everyone knows that premature babies need a lot of care and attention, but have you ever heard of late preterm babies who are also called near-term babies? When is a baby considered late preterm? Late preterm babies are those born between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks of pregnancy. When they are born at 34-35 weeks, it is possible that they spend a few days in a neonatal unit, but many times, babies who are born close to 36 weeks of pregnancy…

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Breastfeeding peer support groups

Breastfeeding peer support groups

Breastfeeding support groups are a fundamental resource for any mother who wants to breastfeed. They are an important meeting point for mothers in very similar situations. What is a breastfeeding support group? There are many different support groups for mothers, and among them, there are those that are dedicated breastfeeding support groups. There are also more general groups about parenting and maternity. In a breastfeeding support group, you can find: Other mothers like you who are interested in breastfeeding, either…

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“My baby refuses to breastfeed and prefers a bottle; I feel bad”

“My baby refuses to breastfeed and prefers a bottle; I feel bad”

“My baby is 4 months old. Two weeks ago, I had to start giving him formula as he was not gaining enough weight. The first days were fine, but now he doesn’t want to breastfeed anymore. Every time I approach him to my breast, he gets angry and cries. I feel very bad, I am so sad. And when I talk about it to my family, nobody understands me.” When something like this happens, and it is unexpected, when a…

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My body odor is stronger now. Can I use deodorants?

My body odor is stronger now. Can I use deodorants?

Many of you may have noticed that with pregnancy or after the birth of your baby, women usually sweat more, and body odor changes compared to how it was before pregnancy. Not to mention that you will notice that your ability to perceive certain odors increases during this period of time. This often makes you look for ways to contain that odor with deodorants, either to feel more comfortable or to avoid making the people around you uncomfortable. This is…

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Breastfeeding demand does not decrease with time

Breastfeeding demand does not decrease with time

When you are breastfeeding, there seems to be a certain moment on the horizon that you are waiting for. It’s like passing stages in a videogame and wanting to arrive at the long-awaited moment when you are told (and start to believe) that the baby will supposedly breastfeed less and space out their feeds. So, is it true? Does a baby’s demand for breastfeeding decrease as they get older? Well, no, it doesn’t. Demand for breastfeeding does not decrease as…

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The 8-month breastfeeding crisis – separation anxiety

The 8-month breastfeeding crisis – separation anxiety

Is there an 8-month breastfeeding crisis? Your baby has grown a lot in the last months, not long before they reach their first birthday, and there are still many things they have yet to learn. When babies are 8-9 months old, many changes happen, which can surprise and worry us at the same time. Is this also one of those stages called a breastfeeding crisis? So what happens at this stage? The first thing that is usually noticed is that…

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“My baby uses me as a pacifier”

“My baby uses me as a pacifier”

“My baby actively breastfeeds and then seems to fall asleep. I think she stops eating and just uses me as a pacifier. Everyone tells me that I shouldn’t let her do this, and if she has already eaten, I must stop the feed. What should I do? It doesn’t hurt or bother me that she does this” As breastfeeding mothers, one of the things we are told the most is: your baby uses you as a pacifier. Apparently, this is…

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The 6-7 week breastfeeding crisis

The 6-7 week breastfeeding crisis

The second breastfeeding crisis comes between 6-7 weeks of your baby’s life. Again mothers may feel anxious about their baby’s behavior, and the comments from surrounding people do not help: your baby refuses the breast, it seems that she doesn’t want to nurse, maybe you don’t have enough milk… And all of this because when the baby feeds at the breast, they suddenly seem to be unhappy: What’s going on? It is obvious that your baby is uncomfortable and shows…

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Hair is growing on my areola – is it normal?

Hair is growing on my areola – is it normal?

Today we are going to talk about a topic that can be somewhat taboo. It is the appearance of hair on the areola. Is it normal? The truth is that, as mammals, our body is full of hair. And although women have less hair on their torso, the areola is an area where it is possible for hair to appear. So yes, it is possible that visible hair grows on the areola (on the external part of the areola), and…

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