When is supplementing milk recommended in breastfeeding?

When is supplementing milk recommended in breastfeeding?

Supplementing milk, whether with breast milk and/or commercial formula milk, is recommended in certain circumstances when milk transfer is poor or when the mother decides to do so. However, we often still find that healthcare professionals recommend supplementing without an appropriate reason, making it difficult for the mother to establish and maintain breastfeeding. What is supplementing milk? It is understood as administering a variable quantity of milk that is offered to the baby once or several times a day after…

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“My baby uses me as a pacifier”

“My baby uses me as a pacifier”

“My baby actively breastfeeds and then seems to fall asleep. I think she stops eating and just uses me as a pacifier. Everyone tells me that I shouldn’t let her do this, and if she has already eaten, I must stop the feed. What should I do? It doesn’t hurt or bother me that she does this” As breastfeeding mothers, one of the things we are told the most is: your baby uses you as a pacifier. Apparently, this is…

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Diagnosis and management of hypergalactia

Diagnosis and management of hypergalactia

Hypergalactia (oversupply) is defined as breast milk production (or supply) that exceeds the volume required to meet the nutritional needs of a healthy infant. Symptoms The referred symptoms are centered on the sensation of hyperproduction (or breastmilk oversupply). Derived from this, physical complications appear, such as breast discomfort and/or pain, obstructions of milk ducts, increased mastitis episodes, spontaneous milk leakage, or even a painful ejection reflex. There are also a number of signs and symptoms in the newborn, such as…

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The 6-7 week breastfeeding crisis

The 6-7 week breastfeeding crisis

The second breastfeeding crisis comes between 6-7 weeks of your baby’s life. Again mothers may feel anxious about their baby’s behavior, and the comments from surrounding people do not help: your baby refuses the breast, it seems that she doesn’t want to nurse, maybe you don’t have enough milk… And all of this because when the baby feeds at the breast, they suddenly seem to be unhappy: What’s going on? It is obvious that your baby is uncomfortable and shows…

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Weaning patterns in humans

Weaning patterns in humans

In the context of mammals, humans are part of a group known as primates, and we follow the fundamental pattern of this category in terms of breastfeeding and weaning. Weaning is the process through which any mother and infant will transition, and its physiology must also be known. This pattern has developed over more than 65 million years of natural evolution to ensure an optimal survival rate for the primate offspring. It is presumed that this fundamental pattern has an…

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Hair is growing on my areola – is it normal?

Hair is growing on my areola – is it normal?

Today we are going to talk about a topic that can be somewhat taboo. It is the appearance of hair on the areola. Is it normal? The truth is that, as mammals, our body is full of hair. And although women have less hair on their torso, the areola is an area where it is possible for hair to appear. So yes, it is possible that visible hair grows on the areola (on the external part of the areola), and…

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6 reasons why you don’t need to stop breastfeeding

6 reasons why you don’t need to stop breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a matter of two, so it’s fine to wean when one of the two parties wants to quit. But what happens when it is not about what you or your baby want but when you are unsure because you don’t know or because of outside pressures? Here are 6 of the reasons why many mothers have felt the urge to stop breastfeeding and the explanation of why it wouldn’t work: 1. So the baby sleeps more Babies and…

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Breast pump: nothing comes out

Breast pump: nothing comes out

Whenever we talk about pumping breast milk, we take it for granted that it will be easy. We think it’s just a matter of pumping and waiting for the milk to flow. And in some cases, this is true, but in others, pumping can be a daunting and frustrating task. Today we answer all the most common questions on the subject: When I pump, nothing comes out at all! The relationship with the breast pump is often a love/hate relationship…

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Tandem breastfeeding

Tandem breastfeeding

Tandem breastfeeding is a practice that many families choose for different reasons, although it is rarely visible. Breastfeeding two babies of different ages may raise reluctance in healthcare professionals accompanying the mother and her babies or children. Therefore, we will explore the topic of supporting mothers in this stage a little deeper. When reviewing the published scientific evidence, we find that this is limited and not very robust, as is the case with many other breastfeeding topics. Definition of tandem…

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“My child doesn’t want to eat any food” – anemia

“My child doesn’t want to eat any food” – anemia

“Hello everyone, I have an 18-month-old girl who is still breastfeeding. Since she was 6 months old, I started to give her solid food, and she did eat some: a little fruit, a few pieces of potato, or half of a cookie. But now she almost doesn’t eat anything anymore, she only wants to feed at the breast and she eats very, very little solids. Her weight is fine, and that reassures me, but yesterday I went to see the…

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