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Category: Lactancia

My baby pulls away from the breast when milk sprays out – oversupply

My baby pulls away from the breast when milk sprays out – oversupply

The fountain in the picture is in the city of Nuremberg (Germany) and depicts the six Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity, Courage, Temperance, and Patience, crowned by the figure of Justice. All 6 statues have “milk” in the form of water coming out of their breasts and spraying out. Most women are worried about having too little breast milk, so this amount of milk is almost everyone’s dream: a free flow of milk sprays! Many mothers may wish for this, but…

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My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

Although you may have heard that babies breastfeed constantly, when your baby arrives, it may actually surprise you how often they nurse. Usually, we are simply not prepared for this! Babies breastfeed for many months, from 8 to 12 times in any 24 hours, which means that you will spend many hours with your baby glued to your breast. You also have to remember that babies take a long time to complete a feed during their first months. They can…

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Is it ok to give a breastfed baby an occasional bottle of formula?

Is it ok to give a breastfed baby an occasional bottle of formula?

Mothers often ask in the LactApp if it is okay to occasionally give their breastfed baby a bottle. Here we won’t talk about returning to (paid) work, which implies a change in family organization, but about those punctual times, when you need cover for a specific occasion: a meeting, a dinner with friends, a short visit, or a doctor’s appointment for example. Official WHO health guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. This means,…

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My baby has stopped pooping: infant dyschezia

My baby has stopped pooping: infant dyschezia

“My daughter is one month old and exclusively breastfed. She has been doing strange things when she is breastfeeding for a few days, but before she used to fall asleep and be full. It has been one week now that she has been very restless; she rolls up, makes a lot of noises as if she wants to poop and strains, and sometimes she spits up milk. Then, when she is at the breast, she starts out very calm, but…

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Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

It happens very often, at the beginning of breastfeeding, that doubts arise regarding if you need to put your baby to burb after breastfeeding. But in fact, you don’t need to burp breastfed babies at all after each feed. This is an idea that comes directly from bottle feeding, where babies do swallow air and, therefore, you do need to put a bottle-fed baby to burp after they had a bottle. When a baby breastfeeds well, which means that the…

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My baby fights breastfeeding

My baby fights breastfeeding

It is very common for mothers to feel at some point during their breastfeeding journey that their baby fights breastfeeding. When a baby behaves in this way and is fuzzy at the breast, all alarms immediately go off, and there are a thousand thoughts you could have related to this behavior: maybe I don’t have enough milk, my baby doesn’t like my milk, my baby rejects me or my baby doesn’t like it and so on. When a baby does…

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How do I get my breastfeeding baby to take a bottle with my milk?

How do I get my breastfeeding baby to take a bottle with my milk?

If you have to or want to give your breastfeeding baby pumped breast milk, you will most likely consider using a baby bottle. Baby bottles are the most well-known and socially accepted feeding method, but they are not the only way. What happens if there is no other choice and you have to give breast milk in a bottle? These are some of the common questions that mothers and families have asked us: My baby arches her back with all…

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Do they wean themselves one day? Natural weaning

Do they wean themselves one day? Natural weaning

Will children ever wean by themselves? What is the natural weaning age? In our society, weaning happens very early. It is much more frequent that breastfeeding journeys last months rather than years. The first time I saw a child about three years old breastfeeding, I couldn’t believe my eyes. At that time, my daughter was barely two months old, and I had not considered that breastfeeding could last ‘that long.’ I have discussed this feeling with many mothers who were…

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Breast milk comes out of baby’s nose: what to know (nasal reflux)

Breast milk comes out of baby’s nose: what to know (nasal reflux)

When babies are breastfeeding, they learn to coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing.This is a complex process; for some babies, it may take more time to fully master it. And sometimes milk comes out of baby’s nose. In another article, we have discussed what causes spitting up or vomiting, so today, we will try to shed some light on a more complex matter: what happens and why does it happen when a baby brings up milk, and it comes out from…

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Is spitting up after every feeding normal?

Is spitting up after every feeding normal?

Almost all babies are spitting up after feeding. But as common as it is, it often makes new families nervous. The baby is usually soaked through, and immediately after getting it all out, they ask to breastfeed again. How can this be? This is where the worries start… Should I breastfeed again immediately after? Is it normal that they spit up so much milk? Does what comes out look normal? And is it normal that my baby spits up that…

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