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Category: Lactancia

Formula milk: types and differences

Formula milk: types and differences

Let’s talk about different types of commercial formula milk: which are the most suitable, when is it necessary to change the type of milk, which formula should a baby that is intolerant to cow’s milk protein have, and can they have plant-based drinks? Here, we clarify some of these questions. I don’t want or can’t breastfeed; what milk can I give my baby? During the first year of a baby’s life, the main food should be milk, either breast milk…

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Reflux in breastfeeding babies

Reflux in breastfeeding babies

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is a common occurrence in babies. It is the return, spitting up or regurgitating stomach contents to the mouth, usually without effort and occasionally. It is most common after feeding. Reflux occurs in about 1 in 5 healthy babies. It is considered a physiological and normal situation and should not be a cause of concern. Generally, it resolves without any treatment before the age of one year. It is important to differentiate between physiological gastroesophageal reflux (GER)…

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Jaundice and breastfeeding newborns

Jaundice and breastfeeding newborns

It is very common for breastfeeding newborns to develop jaundice, the yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, in the days or weeks after birth. Jaundice can become a serious health problem for babies, and it is important to get familiar with the situations related to breastfeeding that can cause a baby to get excess bilirubin levels in the blood. What is jaundice exactly? Before they are born, babies have more red blood cells in their blood. This helps them…

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Why cabbage leaves are recommended in breastfeeding

Why cabbage leaves are recommended in breastfeeding

Our IBCLC lactation consultants are often asked if cabbage leaves are recommended to relieve breast engorgement in breastfeeding, as some of you might have seen or heard of this either in person or on social media. In this article, you can learn more about breast engorgement and the reverse pressure softening technique (RPS) to relieve it. First of all, as with many topics related to breastfeeding and women’s health, there is practically no scientific evidence, and it is very limited,…

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Bereaved breastfeeding: miscarriage and stillbirth

Bereaved breastfeeding: miscarriage and stillbirth

Miscarriage, stillbirth, and bereaved breastfeeding. This week is baby loss awareness week, and you may be wondering what baby and pregnancy loss grief has to do with breastfeeding… Well, a lot. When the placenta separates from the womb, breast milk supply begins. And this happens always, no matter what happened to the baby. But our body does not understand death; it does not seem to contemplate that option. This is why breast milk still appears after the death of a…

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Breastfeeding twins and multiples: tips and tricks

Breastfeeding twins and multiples: tips and tricks

Gema Cárcamo, IBCLC and expert twin lactation consultant has provided us with this article of tips and ideas on how to survive breastfeeding multiples. We are sure you will find useful! Recommendations for initiating breastfeeding with twins, triplets, or multiples Saving time when breastfeeding twins Time is your biggest enemy, but sometimes you have to be patient: it’s better to start giving the breast one at a time and get familiar with the tastes and preferences of each baby, discover…

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How to get back to work and keep breastfeeding

How to get back to work and keep breastfeeding

Going back to work after having a baby (and maternity leave, if you are lucky to have one) is the first separation from your baby and a challenge when it comes to breastfeeding. So, how do you get back to work and keep breastfeeding? Many women believe that this separation means the end of their breastfeeding journey, but it does not have to be this way if you don’t want to and if you have the information to organize your…

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Squeaky breathing at the breast: laryngomalacia

Squeaky breathing at the breast: laryngomalacia

Today, let’s talk about when a baby makes a squeaky sound when breastfeeding and laryngomalacia. We recently received the following consultation from a breastfeeding mother. “My one-month-old baby makes a lot of noise when he nurses. It’s like he has a whistling sound from his throat. He is putting on weight, and everything seems to be going well, but that noise seems weird to me, and I don’t know what it is. Can you help me?” Babies often make a…

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How to massage a clogged milk duct

How to massage a clogged milk duct

What is a clogged (blocked) milk duct? A clogged or blocked milk duct is milk retention or an obstruction in a duct that has become inflamed, either caused by pressure or infection. The main symptoms of a clogged duct are that: What to do when you have a clogged duct? The following measures can help you to reduce and remove a clogged duct: Massageing round circles drawing a number 9 on your breast is a very simple and effective measure….

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How to heal a wound from a breastfeeding bite

How to heal a wound from a breastfeeding bite

A nipple wound from a baby bite can be very common, but is often difficult to heal. We talked some time ago about the dreadful biting stage, and we believe we should expand on the topic with the best solutions to prevent these types of wounds from getting infected and causing a lot of pain. First of all, the most important thing is that you will take action. The wound will not close by itself, and applying products such as…

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