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Author: LactApp UK

Is microblading safe when breastfeeding?

Is microblading safe when breastfeeding?

Many people have asked us if they can have microblading when they are breastfeeding. After having a baby, once everything settles down, many of us often feel the need to find small spaces for self-care, reserve moments to feel at ease with ourselves, and regain time to read, go for a walk, get back in touch with friends or family and some of us take the opportunity to have a cosmetic treatment. It is great that you want to take…

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My baby fights breastfeeding

My baby fights breastfeeding

It often happens that a mother, at some point during her breastfeeding journey, feels that her baby fights breastfeeding. This is a behavior of breastfeeding babies that can be found very often, and here we will try to answer all questions that can come up so you can be prepared for it or find out what is going on. What does it mean a baby fights breastfeeding? Suddenly, babies don’t nurse as they used to anymore; they seem to want…

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Breastfeeding baby and blocked nose

Breastfeeding baby and blocked nose

It’s the season for runny noses. And when you have a breastfeeding baby with a blocked nose, this can make breastfeeding difficult. Why do babies have blocked noses? Having a blocked nose is a defense system of the respiratory system. Excess mucus keeps the system moist and contains defense cells and substances that protect your baby from viruses and bacteria that could cause some infection. However, this defense mechanism has a flip side: when there is a lot of mucus…

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Is it ok to breastfeed lying down?

Is it ok to breastfeed lying down?

“Hi everyone! I have been told that it is best not to breastfeed lying down. I have been told that if the baby suffers from reflux, breast milk can pass into the baby’s ear and create an infection. Is this true? Thank you.” Anonymous user query How can breast milk get into the ear? First, let’s talk a little about anatomy to try to understand how breast milk can pass from a baby’s throat to the ear. Inside the ear,…

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Shall we use this holiday season for daytime weaning?

Shall we use this holiday season for daytime weaning?

Daytime weaning (stopping to breastfeed during the day) is usually a long and slow process, at least compared with nighttime weaning. If you are thinking about weaning during the upcoming holiday season, there are advantages and disadvantages that you should know. From LactApp, we would like to make it easier for you to consider whether it is time to stop or if it is better to wait a little longer. We advise you not to wean during the holidays if…

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Is it possible to feel aroused when breastfeeding?

Is it possible to feel aroused when breastfeeding?

“Sometimes, when I am breastfeeding my 8-month-old baby, I have the sensation to feel aroused. I feel warmth in my vulva and a desire for sex. It makes me feel very confused. Is this normal?” From time to time, we receive questions similar to this one. To feel aroused during breastfeeding is something that can be very confusing for a mother. How can she get aroused while feeding her baby? Arousal during breastfeeding has an explanation Actually, the explanation is…

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Breast milk collectors – what you need to know

Breast milk collectors – what you need to know

Breast milk collectors are devices designed to collect breast milk that drops from the other breast side while you are breastfeeding or manually pumping. They are very useful for nursing mothers who want to take advantage of every drop of milk their body produces, as they prevent any milk from getting lost. Furthermore, another function is to help prevent your bra from getting wet or soaking breast pads, which can cause discomfort or irritation to the skin. What are breastmilk collectors?…

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Breast pumps: Recommendations for correct use

Breast pumps: Recommendations for correct use

Breast pumps can be a great ally in the breastfeeding journey of a woman; they can help to overcome certain circumstances or specific complications and help to maintain deferred breastfeeding (exclusive pumping) in the case of mother-infant separation, when the mother goes back to work or is useful for other reasons. Nevertheless, using a breast pump is not necessary in all cases as not all breastfeeding women need to have and use a breast pump, and so each case should be…

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Back to work and breastfeeding – special summary

Back to work and breastfeeding – special summary

In this article, we share a special summary with all the information you need to prepare to go back to work and breastfeed after your maternity leave. Find out in detail what you need to prepare and plan to manage your return to paid work and maintain your breastfeeding journey. For most mothers, this is a stressful time, a time of grief and conflicting feelings, as maternity leave is coming to an end and another stage is about to begin. You may…

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Nursing strike: What can I do if my baby refuses breastfeeding?

Nursing strike: What can I do if my baby refuses breastfeeding?

Babies are born to breastfeed; they expect a breast, and biologically, they need it for at least their first year of life. They must breastfeed to survive, and there is no reason to stop. But there are some babies who, from one day to the other and usually between 8 months and a year old, stop breastfeeding, and then they don’t want to get close to the breast anymore: this is also called a nursing strike. When the mother does…

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