The most common pelvic floor problems in the postpartum period

The most common pelvic floor problems in the postpartum period

During the postpartum period, many women have pelvic floor problems that negatively affect their quality of life.

In pregnancy and childbirth, the tissues must move to accommodate the baby and adjoining structures. The tissues have to be more active and stretched than normal throughout pregnancy and childbirth. This stretching of ligaments and muscles leads to pelvic floor problems.

The following is a description of the most common postpartum pelvic floor problems. In the attached link, we explain how to work on each situation to improve and protect the pelvic floor:

When attending to a postpartum patient, even if it is not during the first weeks or months, we must keep in mind that she may be in one of these situations. Therefore, it is important to adapt recommendations to her state of health and refer her to a midwife or physiotherapist specialized in pelvic floor care if necessary.

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