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Author: LactApp UK

What you need to know before your baby is born

What you need to know before your baby is born

If you are pregnant, congratulations! It’s time to learn what you need to know and prepare yourself before your baby is born. Pregnancy is the ideal time to consider your questions and worries if you plan to breastfeed your baby. Here are some suggestions: Is there anything I can do in pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding? Yes, of course! During pregnancy, you have a lot of time to prepare for your baby’s arrival: buy clothes, look for the best car…

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Dwarfism (achondroplasia) and breastfeeding

Dwarfism (achondroplasia) and breastfeeding

Introduction Every year, on October 25, International Dwarfism and Achondroplasia Awareness Day is celebrated to spread information and raise awareness about the reality of people affected by different pathologies affecting their growth. In this article, we will focus on breastfeeding children with achondroplasia, a type of bone dysplasia caused by a genetic disorder that is the leading cause of dwarfism. However, some situations described below may also apply to different types of bone dysplasia in infants and children. Achondroplasia is…

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How to heal a wound from a breastfeeding bite

How to heal a wound from a breastfeeding bite

A nipple wound from a baby bite can be very common, but is often difficult to heal. We talked some time ago about the dreadful biting stage, and we believe we should expand on the topic with the best solutions to prevent these types of wounds from getting infected and causing a lot of pain. First of all, the most important thing is that you will take action. The wound will not close by itself, and applying products such as…

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Emotions during weaning

Emotions during weaning

One of the things we don’t expect when we think about weaning is that it can trigger so many emotions in ourselves and our children. And yes, weaning can be a hotspot of many feelings that arise before, during, and after the weaning process. These feelings don’t just affect us; they can also influence our baby’s behavior, which can be very scary. Let’s talk about it! When starting to think about weaning When you start thinking about weaning, when you…

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Is it possible to have mastitis in an established breastfeeding?

Is it possible to have mastitis in an established breastfeeding?

When I became a mother and started going to breastfeeding support groups, a fact that surprised me a lot was that mastitis was called the “disease of the veterans.” The term “veterans” was used to refer to mothers with babies from 3 months of age, those who never had great difficulties with breastfeeding but who, at that point and without warning, suffered from mastitis. We used to say that these mastitis were caused by the mothers’ confidence: the baby slept…

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How to keep combination feeding

How to keep combination feeding

Combination feeding means feeding your baby a combination of breastmilk/breastfeeding and formula feeding. Whatever your reason for combination feeding, we want to help you to maintain it for as long as you want. Usually, two problems happen when you want to maintain mixed feeding and avoid giving up breastfeeding: So if your decision is to maintain combination feeding, you have to take into account these 4 basic guidelines: 1. Give the breast first Whenever possible, breastfeed first and leave formula…

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Your story: weaning with band-aids

Your story: weaning with band-aids

I am a mom of a six-year-old girl and a twenty-five-month-old toddler with whom I just started weaning five days ago. I thought I was totally ready, but as I keep him away from my breast, I realize that I would still love to have him attached for another few months. But then I remember the anxiety I felt in the last few weeks and I stand my ground again. Leo is a high-demand baby. I found this out because…

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Best practice: communication in lactation care

Best practice: communication in lactation care

Apart from the experience and knowledge healthcare professionals may have about breastfeeding techniques, postures, latching, difficulties, pathology, or physiology, accompanying breastfeeding mothers is based on direct person-to-person contact. The words you use to communicate, as well as the nonverbal language, will allow you to establish an initial bond of trust from which you can address the presenting issues. We must keep in mind that in many postpartum and breastfeeding situations, what women often ask for is to feel listened to…

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When breastmilk tastes salty

When breastmilk tastes salty

What if breastmilk tastes salty? Breast milk contains a large volume of lactose, which gives it a surprising and unmistakable sweet taste. However, under certain circumstances, it can change its taste from sweet to very salty. Many mothers have noticed this, which can be a reason for worry. Why does it happen? The cells where human milk is made are lined up side by side. During pregnancy and the first days of a baby’s life, these cells stay separate before…

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I have a lump in the breast: diagnostic tests and breastfeeding

I have a lump in the breast: diagnostic tests and breastfeeding

Suppose a nursing mother feels a lump in her breast. Once it has been ruled out that this is a circumstance related to breastfeeding, the mother should see a healthcare provider or gynecologist expert in breast pathologies and have the appropriate diagnostic tests. But when this process begins, many questions arise, and often, mothers are invited to stop breastfeeding altogether at this point, either before or during the tests. Today we answer the most common questions about this case, so…

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