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Author: LactApp UK

Cleft lip or palate and breastfeeding

Cleft lip or palate and breastfeeding

How can we maintain (or try to maintain, depending on the severity of the case) lactation in situations of cleft lips, teeth, and palate? What is cleft lip/palate, and how does it affect breastfeeding? During pregnancy, the lips are formed between weeks 4 and 7, and the palate between weeks 6 and 9 of pregnancy. Labial, alveolar and/or palatal clefts occur when the tissues that form these oral structures fail to unite. There is a great variation in the presentation…

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Breastfeeding twins and multiples: tips and tricks

Breastfeeding twins and multiples: tips and tricks

Gema Cárcamo, IBCLC and expert twin lactation consultant has provided us with this article of tips and ideas on how to survive breastfeeding multiples. We are sure you will find useful! Recommendations for initiating breastfeeding with twins, triplets, or multiples Saving time when breastfeeding twins Time is your biggest enemy, but sometimes you have to be patient: it’s better to start giving the breast one at a time and get familiar with the tastes and preferences of each baby, discover…

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How to get back to work and keep breastfeeding

How to get back to work and keep breastfeeding

Going back to work after having a baby (and maternity leave, if you are lucky to have one) is the first separation from your baby and a challenge when it comes to breastfeeding. So, how do you get back to work and keep breastfeeding? Many women believe that this separation means the end of their breastfeeding journey, but it does not have to be this way if you don’t want to and if you have the information to organize your…

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Difference between lactose intolerance and cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)

Difference between lactose intolerance and cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)

Frequently, the differences between lactose intolerance and CMPA, which stands for cow’s milk protein allergy, are not well distinguished. This happens not only to families but also to healthcare professionals. A food allergy and food intolerance are both adverse reactions to the consumption of certain foods. Differentiating the symptoms, causes, and treatment is key to guiding families in case their infants suffer from any of these pathologies. Characteristics of food allergy Food allergy is a reaction of the immune system…

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Squeaky breathing at the breast: laryngomalacia

Squeaky breathing at the breast: laryngomalacia

Today, let’s talk about when a baby makes a squeaky sound when breastfeeding and laryngomalacia. We recently received the following consultation from a breastfeeding mother. “My one-month-old baby makes a lot of noise when he nurses. It’s like he has a whistling sound from his throat. He is putting on weight, and everything seems to be going well, but that noise seems weird to me, and I don’t know what it is. Can you help me?” Babies often make a…

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Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth is a method that allows small amounts of colostrum to be collected during pregnancy, which, after the birth of the baby, can be given if necessary. This avoids the use of formula milk when supplementing is necessary. History of colostrum harvesting Although this may seem to be a fairly recent method, it is not. Until the late seventies and eighties, all women were encouraged to collect colostrum in the final stages of their pregnancy. Historically, the…

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How do I know if my baby carrier is well-designed?

How do I know if my baby carrier is well-designed?

Baby carriers are a wonderful and convenient way to get around with a baby. But a classic concern when it comes to baby carriers is: Is my baby carrier really well-designed? Well, we believe baby carriers are not either well-designed or not. When we talk about well-designed, what we really mean is adaptability. Therefore, we will talk about a good position and not about well-designed baby carriers, and we will consider whether baby carriers will adapt as much as possible…

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Ideas for your baby to return to breastfeed – breastfeeding refusal

Ideas for your baby to return to breastfeed – breastfeeding refusal

Babies are born to breastfeed, and breastmilk is their basic and primary food in their first two years of life. Therefore, it is not normal or would not be appropriate for a baby to stop breastfeeding on their own before their first birthday. Here, we are not talking about a conscious decision to stop breastfeeding made by the mother, but rather a breastfeeding refusal by the baby. We cannot repeat enough that breastfeeding is a matter of two, mother and…

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Nipple eczema

Nipple eczema

Definition Nipple eczema is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythema, inflammation, papules, vesicles, exudates, and crusts. Lichenification, skin erosion, fissures, excoriations, and desquamation can also be observed in the area of the nipple and/or areola.  This definition covers several types of dermatitis (seborrheic and atopic) and irritation or hypersensitivity at contact. In addition, this lesion often occurs concomitantly with Staphylococcus aureus skin infections. Symptoms of nipple eczema Symptoms commonly manifested by women who suffer from it are itching, burning, and…

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Treatment of vaginal prolapse with pelvic floor physiotherapy

Treatment of vaginal prolapse with pelvic floor physiotherapy

Carolina Solá is a physiotherapist specializing in pelvic floor health. In this article, she explains the approach to vaginal prolapse from a physiotherapy perspective. What is prolapse, and how is it classified? Pelvic prolapse is a common pathology; its prevalence and severity increase with age. We speak of prolapse if one or more of the anterior and posterior vaginal walls are descending. Although there is usually one main organ affected, by modifying the internal distribution of the viscera, the other…

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