Shall we use this holiday season for daytime weaning?
Daytime weaning (stopping to breastfeed during the day) is usually a long and slow process, at least compared with nighttime weaning. If you are thinking about weaning during the upcoming holiday season, there are advantages and disadvantages that you should know. From LactApp, we would like to make it easier for you to consider whether it is time to stop or if it is better to wait a little longer.
We advise you not to wean during the holidays if you…
Try not to wean now… if you are going to be with a lot of people or in an unfamiliar house
In an unusual environment, with people that your little one does not know very well, they will likely get easily nervous and ask for more breastfeeding. It is not a good idea to wean if you expect that this is going to happen and that your little one will be more attached to your breasts all the time because they might be scared or embarrassed.
Try not to wean now… if you’re going to go from house to house over the holidays
If you have a lot of family and friends and spend part of the holiday season in different homes, trying for daytime weaning can be a challenge. In fact, it will be more than likely that your baby wants more breastfeeding instead and refuses to go anywhere except your arms, and breastfeeding will calm them down and give reassurance.
Try not to wean now… if you are embarrassed or ashamed to breastfeed because of the people you will meet
When you go for daytime weaning, you try to shorten the feeding time but always still give what your child asks for. If every time your child asks for the breast, you are going to get discouraging comments or you are embarrassed to breastfeed in front of those family and friends you don’t see much anyway, then this is not the ideal time for daytime weaning.
Try not to wean now… if it’s during a developmental leap or breastfeeding crisis
Of course, strangers, different houses, and various new things are a recipe for trouble because children, especially older ones, when they are in the phase of a developmental leap or breastfeeding crisis, constantly ask for a lot of breast milk and don’t care what time of the year it is.
Try not to wean now… if your baby is under 6 months and is not yet eating solids or never had a bottle
If your baby is exclusively breastfed, the transition to a bottle can be quite an adventure. During the holidays, other adults around you will likely offer you their advice or opinions about how you should bottle-feed your baby. If it is likely that you will have to put up with people like this and their unsolicited opinions, then now is not the time for weaning.
Try not to wean now…if you’ve been advised to do so
If weaning during the holidays is something that was imposed on you directly or indirectly by other people, then it may not really be the ideal time for you. Whenever you decide to stop breastfeeding, this must come from your needs, not because others want you to do it.
What are holiday circumstances that are good weaning?
If you will be relaxing at home
This can be a time when the family is more relaxed at home, and you have all the time you need for weaning. This setting is ideal for you to relax during the day and to be able to put into action the so-called “don’t offer – don’t refuse” method.
If you are at home or away from home and have plenty of help
If you have the baby’s grandparents at home, your sister, cousin, or a friend who is willing to help, then it’s the ideal time! Changing your little one’s routines and offering games, cuddles, and entertainment can help them stop breastfeeding during the day in a relaxed way.
If your baby is over 9 months and older and there are other children of the same age
When there are more children in the house, it is inevitable that they are curious and want to interact with them. There may also be some more difficult moments that will lead them to ask for breastfeeding, but you can always encourage play between them. These distractions will lower the demand for breastfeeding, and your child might lose interest.
If introducing solids is established and going well
Of course, if your child is doing well with the introduction of solids and likes them, then the holidays are a perfect time for older babies to discover new foods and textures. If your child loves to eat, then this can help to reduce breastfeeding demand and make them “forget” a little bit about breastfeeding.
If it’s not the moment of a developmental leap or a breastfeeding crisis
There are some windows of time in which daytime weaning is easier; they are:
There are some windows of time in which daytime weaning is easier. They are:
- 9-10 months,
- 15-18 months
- and after the one-year and two-year breastfeeding crisis
In general, during these stages they are less interested in breastfeeding and therefore, weaning will be a little easier.
If you are prepared and have read up on how to do daytime weaning
Make sure you read up on weaning and know about the “do not offer – do not refuse” method and have prepared what you are going to offer your little one instead of breastfeeding.
At LactApp, we will always help you achieve the weaning you want, so we hope and wish that these guidelines will help you decide if these holidays are the ideal time for you to get started with daytime weaning.